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The Workout Water 
berry flavored water beverage with vitamins, 6- 16.9 fl oz bottles
Plastic Bottles
[6 on hand]

Propel The Workout Water berry flavored water beverage with vitamins, 6- 16.9 fl oz bottles Center Front PicturePropel The Workout Water berry flavored water beverage with vitamins, 6- 16.9 fl oz bottles Right Picture
Why Buy?  With Other Natural Flavors
   Antioxidants; Low Calorie
   Vitamin Enhanced Water Beverage
   Low Sodium; 0 Calories Per Bottle
Brand Name  Propel
taxable in Michigan?  No
Product Size  6pk
Product Price  $6.05
Storage Climate  Warm
Manufacturer  Gatorade
Shipping Weight  7.44 lbs.
upc  5200050633
Full-Size Product Picture
Propel The Workout Water berry flavored water beverage with vitamins, 6- 16.9 fl oz bottles Full-Size Picture